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Press Release: American Federation of Government Employees Objects to Another SSA Office Closure

Western Addition Office Battle

By Howard Egerman, Union Rep, AFGE Local 3172

On February 8, 2005, the District Manager of Western Addition Social Security Office, informed the American Federation of Government Employees Union that they had decided to consolidate Western Addition Field Office located at 1405 Fillmore Street in San Francisco with the downtown Civic Center Field office located at 939 Market Street. The decision to close the Western Addition Social Security office came as a shock to the employees.

The Social Security Administration has planned to consolidate these two offices by April 30, 2005. The Union has continuously stated that SSA offices should not be eliminated in areas of our community that have the largest population of elderly, disabled and blind citizens.

It is clear that the elderly and disabled individuals in inner cities and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods have limited or no access to the service delivery systems that the agency envisions in the near future. Those who least can afford it would be required to travel the furthest and endure the greatest expense to obtain basic government services. Limited parking and congested offices will place undue hardship on the people that are forced to travel to downtown San Francisco for assistance.

The Federal Government should set the tone for the enhancement and redevelopment of disenfranchised areas.

The public must clearly take a stand on the need for services in forgotten and neglected inner cities.

We urge you to write Regional Commissioner Pete Spencer at Box 4200, Richmond, CA 94804 expressing your displeasure.

Send a copy of your letter to Commissioner of Social Security JoAnne Barnhart, 6401 Security Blvd, Suite 900 Altmeyer, Baltimore, MD 21235 and Deputy Commissioner for Operations Linda S. McMahon, c/o Social Security Administration, 1204 W. High Rise, Baltimore, MD 21235.


Immediately call Dan Bernel in the office of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s office (415) 556-4862.

Keep government services accessible to the people.