On the Bush Gang’s Few Bold Monsters, Their “Red Alert,“ and How We
Can Refuse to Participate in Their Slaughter and Their Terror
By Don Paul
Chemical agents, lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are
not easily contained.... Take one vial, one canister, one crate, slipped
into our country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known.
-- George Walker Bush, first officially selected president of the
United States, in his January 28, 2003 State of the Union Address
The state police and the emergency management people would take
control over the highways. You literally are staying home, is what
happens, unless you are required to be out.... The reason being is, what
we're saying is, “Everybody sit down!” If you are left standing, you are
probably a terrorist.
-- Sid Caspersen, former FBI agent, New Jersey's director of the
Office of Counter-Terrorism, at a press conference March 18, 2003 on
martial-law controls that will enforced should a federal state of “Red
Alert” be called
Hello there. Bear with me through some heavy words, please.
We the people of the United States face the greatest threat to our
health and freedom ever.
Horrors of mass death from barely imaginable terrorism might strike us
at any time as an effect coupled to the U.S. military’s “shock and awe”
bombardment of Iraq. Weapons of biological and nuclear warfare -- anthrax,
smallpox, “dirty” nuclear bombs -- could easily be released into our
cities by a handful of agents, causing thousands of fatalities and
generally hysterical fear and rage. Our unelected government’s leaders --
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and
Condoleezza Rice among them -- have warned about just such threats before
and after their “ ‘War on Terrorism’ ” was triggered by the operations of
September 11, 2001.
Consider these leaders’ own precarious positions.
They’re launching the most visibly unjustified and indiscriminate
slaughter in history. Over and over they’ve articulated charges against
their defenseless enemy that impartial observers from the United Nations
and elsewhere have refuted. Over and over their maneuvers have been
defeated by votes within bodies of international democracy. Over and over
they -- Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld -- have been shown to adamantly prefer
profiting from war rather than risking their lives in war. Month after
month and now year after year the U.S. economy over which they preside has
plummeted. The very currency they’re sworn to uphold is now down to 93
cents against the Eurodollar. Month after month, too, more millions around
the world decry the very goal that studies -- the Project for a New
American Century papers of 1997 and 2000 -- written by Bush Administration
players (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, ...) before they took office in
2001 boldly assert: the U.S. should be the world’s unrivaled superpower,
controlling sources of fossil-fuel energy and promoting democracy wherever
it may be useful at whatever cost.
These few, bold men refuse to hesitate now.
From their vantage within personal bunkers they maintain their
determined course. All cite their moral imperatives. At least one of the
leading three (GWB, Cheney, Rumsfeld) -- the one who looks most victim to
mind control -- claims his mission is from God.
Certainly these few, bold men feel they must seize and control the flow
of Iraqi oil. They must steal Iraqi oil. Oil is running out, the world
over. U.S. production peaked in 1970. World production will peak not later
than 2010. Iraq’s reserves are 12% of the world’s reserves. Saudi Arabia’s
are 23%. Central Asia’s oil-and-gas reserves -- the reason for the U.S.
invasion of Afghanistan -- are proving to be less than expected. The U.S.
must occupy the Middle East with dominant garrisons and dictatorships,
Israel’s overwhelming armed forces at its side, to clinch a chokehold on
the oil and gas necessary for China, Europe, and Japan.
Confronting the reality of Peak Oil in their oxygen-sensitive offices,
these few, bold men won’t flinch from sacrifices. Commentators in our
daily newspapers may even find these few, bold men merciful in their
might. The tens of thousands of Iraqi women and children sure to perish
under the “shock and awe” of 800 cruise missiles in the first 48 hours of
bombardment -- that is, one cruise missile every four minutes -- will
perhaps be happier with death quick rather than death slow from lack of
food, water, and medicines due to the United States’ 1991-2003 sanctions
against Iraq. The 100,000 body bags delivered last week to the U.S. Air
Force Base in Sicily may just have to come home filled in order that
democracy prosper in Iraq as it so obviously is in Afghanistan under
warlords one year after the U.S. killed at least 5,000 civilians there.
The flow of oil and gas is as these few, bold men’s lifeblood -- but so
too is the flow of drugs both illegal and legal. Opium from Afghanistan is
an export little mentioned in our daily newspapers. The Taliban -- who
were Afghanistan’s government before “ ‘9/11’ ” let them be these few,
bold men’s target -- eradicated opium growing under their control in early
2001, reducing Afghanistan’s total crop to 173 metric tons. In 2002,
however, the crop there increased more than 2,000%, reaching 4,500 metric
tons, a yield worth $150 to 200 billion on the world’s street markets for
heroin. Stock markets the world over depend on the influx of illegal
drug-profits’ billions, as do the banks, the most enormous and established
of banks, that also launder sales of smack and crack. Thus do the results
of international U.S. military maneuvers flood or trickle down to street
corners and suburbs within our borders.
These few, bold men refuse to shrink from such results. Illegal drugs’
profits are as essential to their mission as legal poisons (Donald
Rumsfeld as CEO of G.D. Searle & Company used his connections to have the
aspartame in Nutrasweet and Equal approved in the U.S. in the early 1980s)
and exclusive licenses to vaccines against anthrax and smallpox (held by
Defense Department-derived Bioport and Nazi-derived Bayer and Hoechst)
These few, bold men appear ready, in fact, to shrink from nothing.
“ ‘9/11’ ” has shown them the way. If Establishment Corporate Media and
Establishment Left Media can look away from the holes in the cartoonlike
Official Story of 9/11/01’s horrors, why, then, anything may pass. The
Five Biggest Holes so far revealed, say, are as follow. (1) Five of the
nineteen indicted Arab suicide hijackers remain alive. (2) The literal
entry hole and exit hole in the Pentagon’s west wedge are much too small
to accommodate the American Airlines Boeing 757-200 that supposedly hit
that building. (3) Cell phones such as were supposedly used by passengers
aboard their doomed Flights while at cruising altitude above 30,000 feet
have been proven unable to communicate with ground sources above an
altitude of 8,000 feet. (4) The three World Trade Center buildings that
fell could not have collapsed from either the impact or heat that each
underwent. (5) The U.S. military, headed by NORAD (North American Air
Defense) had one hour and 15 minutes to protect the nation’s capital after
the first airliner was hijacked on 9/11/01, while regulations require that
jets be scrambled to intercept airliners within 15 minutes of the
airliners’ deviating off-route.
Given that these enormous holes have not been widely exposed, these
few, bold men appear to believe they can get away with anything. No lie is
too absurd, no crime too monstrous, for them.
What can we do against them?
How can we oppose them? How can we stop them?
We can stop the machine that sustains them from working.
They depend on the financial and material engines of this society to
somehow proceed while they’re ordering strikes elsewhere in the world.
We can stop them and their ultimately confused masters within
capitalism by refusing to serve any more in the financial and material
machine that sustains slaughter in Iraq and elsewhere.
We can NOT go to our workplaces on the morning after “shock and awe”
bombardment begins. We can also stay from schools and universities except
to protest these institutions’ involvement in illegal, barbaric war-making
and theft. We can, instead, gather together and celebrate our own
resistance and creativity, our own choices and democracy, in festivals of
and for life.
Such actions are planned for many places in the San Francisco Bay Area
tomorrow, Thursday, March 20. You can gather at Justin Herman Plaza at
You can gather at the Civic Center at noontime. You can check out
www.directaction.org, www.actagainstwar.org, www.answer.org,
www.notinourname.org, www.unitedforpeaceandjustice.org,
www.uslaboragainstwar.org, www.waresisters.org, www.greenaction.org,
www.legyouth.org, and many more websites.
These few, bold men can be shown to be the small, mean, vicious,
cowardly, and ultimately powerless death-eating criminals they are, the
anti-human monsters they are, by our refusals and our celebrations of our
own compassionate independence and creativity tomorrow.
The author writes: "Don Paul's three most recent books, the
books of poems Pulsing and Flares and the study " '9/11'
" Facing Our Fascist State, were available at City Lights Bookstore
till a staffer there, first name Jeff, refused to stock the " '9/11' "
book in the store's Muckraking section, where it had balanced the evasions
and untruths of Noam Chomsky and his like, evasions and untruths that have
helped the current slaughter in Iraq go forward."