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VOLUME 2, NUMBER 28    <>  MONDAY, JULY 16 2001

this & that

Whatever happened to… ?

drug_old.jpg (39674 bytes)It was just about a year ago, in July 2000, that both the Call and the Chronicle noted the passing of a neighborhood institution — the Home Drug Company on Russian Hill. Pharmacist Eugene Malmquist had called it quits and taken a job as a staff pharmacist at the Marina Safeway, blaming pressure from insurance companies for keeping drug prices below the profit level.

At the time, the former owner of the building, Don Glasgow, observed, “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but it won’t be another drugstore.”

drug.jpg (46714 bytes)Glasgow was right. Today there isn’t a pharmacy in the vicinity. The empty store at Union and Hyde carries a large “For Lease” sign in its paper-covered windows. And former patrons are directed to the Marina, where their records have gone, along with the man who used to prepare their prescriptions.
