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second half

Villanelle of difficult times

We have no place to go, this, the time of war,
Trembling, we hold our flag.
All in all, I’d rather stick it to a whore:


Get a rubber, close the door,
Just hope my sex wont sag.
There’s no safe bed in the time of war.


Overhead the jets roar,
Doin’ that kill-and-be-killed rag.
I’d really rather stick it to a whore.


The children hide under the floor,
My wife has turned into an old hag,
Life sucks in this, the time of war.


I remember when life was a bore,
My lovely wife, a nag,
I’d sneak away, stick it to a whore.


Now will my stocks soar?
Will the boys come home in a bag?
I want safety in this, the time of war:
I’m the stay-at-home American war whore.

Hector Q. Mooney