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May 9, 2003


Two from Gary Bauer

Urgent Alert

To: California Friends
From: Gary L. Bauer, Chairman
Date: Thursday, May 1, 2003


Somehow a bill that would provide legal protection to drag queens, cross dressers and transsexuals managed to pass the California State Assembly. Frankly, I think this qualifies as a new low in public policy. The bill's advocates should have been too embarrassed to publicly debate this, much less vote for it, but evidently employment quotas for drag queens are important to the people of California. At least that's what 42 members of the State Assembly think.

I can't begin to fathom the ramifications of this legislation actually being signed into law by Governor Gray Davis, but I don't doubt for one second that he would actually do so. (Yet another reason to support the recall effort!) But, if you can believe it, a majority of the State Assembly felt so strongly about the employment rights of drag queens, that it is willing to fine businesses up to $150,000 if they in any way "discriminate" against cross dressers and transsexuals.

So, if your bald, 250-pound salesman decides to show up for work one day in a brightly colored floral muu muu, as his boss you would have no authority whatsoever to send him home. That is the most pressing issue before the California Legislature right now. (And your tax dollars are paying these people's salaries!)

Worse yet, this bill has no exclusions for religious businesses or organizations like the Boy Scouts. An oversight? Not likely. In fact, Christian businesses and the Boy Scouts are very likely the intended targets of this legislation. After all, who is going to stand up for moral values and risk a $150,000 fine? Most Christian businesses I know are small "mom and pop" bookstores that would likely have to fold in order to cover that kind of penalty.

This bill has one purpose only: To use the power of government to force one version of morality on the people and silence any critics with the threat of six-figure fines.

I know many of you who support my efforts at the Campaign for Working Families understand the need to defend our values in the public square. But if any of your Christians friends still don't "get it," tell them about this bill. Those who suggest that we can't legislate morality are wrong. Those who do not believe that Christians should be politically active are mistaken. One side will prevail on Election Day and legislation like this is the result of too many Christians staying home instead of voting. It is the result of too many pro-family conservatives not making time to pick up the phone and call their legislators, not making time to sit down and write a letter to the editor.

My friends, more than 60% of Californians voted to defend traditional marriage as the union of one man and one woman. I have to believe that same 60% majority would oppose this "drag queen quota" bill.

Please, do whatever it takes to contact your state senators and urge them to oppose AB 196. If you don't know who your senator is, call Senate Majority Leader Don Perata at (916) 445-6577 or e-mail him at senator.perata@sen.ca.gov. You can also contact Governor Gray Davis at (916) 445-2841 or by e-mail at governor@governor.ca.gov. Urge Governor Davis and Majority Leader Perata to stand up for faith and family and oppose AB 196.

Paid for by the Campaign for Working Families
2800 Shirlington Road
Suite 605
Arlington, VA 22206
Fax: 703-671-8899
Web: www.cwfpac.com


End of Day

To: Friends and Supporters of the Campaign for Working Families
From: Gary L. Bauer, Chairman
Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2003

37 Down, 1 To Go

This month Texas became the 37th state in nation to pass a law banning homosexual marriage. This is tremendously important for two reasons. First, it is a significant statement about the cultural values of America that 37 states have in fact felt the need to ban homosexual marriage. It is not merely a strong affirmation of the value of traditional marriage, but it should also be a wake-up call that such laws were even needed.

Second, it is just one state short of the three-fourths majority required to ratify a constitutional amendment. And if homosexual marriage is legalized by the Massachusetts Supreme Court later this summer, we may well need an amendment to the United States Constitution in order to protect traditional marriage.

Defense of marriage legislation is currently pending in the Ohio State Senate. For those of you who live in the Buckeye State, here is a great opportunity to give the pro-family movement a real boost by making Ohio the 38th state to pass legislation protecting traditional marriage.

Please contact your state senators and urge them to support Senate Bill 65, sponsored by Sen. Wachtmann. If you don't know who your state senator is, then call Senate President Doug White at (614) 466-8082 or e-mail him at dwhite@mailr.sen.state.oh.us. Thank him for his leadership and urge him to stand firm for family values and traditional marriage by supporting SB 65.

Is Frist's Finger On "The Button"? Now that five cloture motions have failed to end debate on Miguel Estrada and with Democrats simultaneously filibustering a second nominee, Priscilla Owen, frustrated Senate Republicans are reportedly considering a "nuclear option" to break the stalemate on confirming the President's judicial nominees.

The Senate's Byzantine rules evidently provide one exception to breaking a filibuster that does not require the usual 3/5th or 60-vote majority, but this procedure hasn't been used in almost 30 years and only once prior to that. The scenario is complicated and there's division within the Republican ranks as to whether or not it should even be tried.

Comity and process rule the Senate and some Republicans are afraid to break with tradition out of fear that some day the Democrats will use this maneuver on them. But, the fact that Democrats are now filibustering two judicial nominees proves they know how to play hardball and they aren't afraid to use any maneuver necessary to achieve their political objectives. If this situation were reversed, is there any doubt that Democrats would hesitate to "push the button?" Senate liberals have so politicized the confirmation process with pro-abortion, anti-religious litmus tests that something drastic must be done.

Restoring balance to our federal courts is so important, I believe Senate Republicans must use every option at their disposal. If we don't start playing by the same rules, we'll continue to lose time and time again.

Please feel free to pass on this "End of Day" update to interested friends and family members.

Campaign for Working Families
2800 Shirlington Road
Suite 605
Arlington, VA 22206
Fax: 703-671-8899
Web: www.cwfpac.com